Join Now At The Lowest Price Possible

Get & Close Leads

In 3 Simple Steps!

Let's Face It. Having Low Or No Sales Suck!


What You Will Learn in this Course!

  • That you are more READY for SALES than you think

  • What 1 game changing thing you absolutely need to do in a Discovery/Strategy session with your lead

  • When your 'buyer' says YES and doesn't buy! How to change that!

  • Best practices for links, freebies, content, networks & more!

  • How to Find great leads AND be Found by them too!

  • SIMPLE Time management that helps you increase Earnings!

  • . . .PLUS How To's, What If's and Now Whats, taught in step by step SIMPLE methods!



Boosts Your Revenue NOW

Simple Actions
to Implement

How To get leads & be found

Reduce Stress & Overwhelm

Accountability: trackable progress



  • In Depth Course Workbook to guide you step by step and keep your aha's and actions trackable

  • 'How To' Videos To Show You the actual Steps to get things done- follow along and DO !!

  • Pre-Written dynamic Content Hooks to use now in social media, blogs, videos, emails and more

  • High Converting Email Templates - just plug in your info and you're ready to send

  • AND some extra awesome suprises

Hey there, Coach and Consultant Extraordinaire!

Look, we get it. You signed up to be a life-altering, habit-breaking, mountain-moving coach – not some slick-haired salesperson sleazing their way through cold calls and spammy emails. Ugh, right?

But here's the kicker: you NEED those sweet, sweet leads to keep your dream job from turning into a "just-for-fun" gig.

We all have a terrible habit of making selling more complicated than it needs to be and then we think we are not ready. That is why we created SELLING MADE SIMPLE, because sales doesn't need to be hard, icky or salesy and YES, you are ready!

We've cracked the code on snagging and closing leads without feeling like you need a shower afterward.

It's simple, it's effective, and it doesn't involve selling your soul.

Let us show you how to fill your calendar with eager clients ready to bask in your wisdom while leaving that "icky" feeling in the dust. Because let’s face it – you've got more important things to do than stress over sales... like transforming lives and such.

Are you ready to learn a simple way to get leads and close them?

Click that bouncing button and let's make it happen!

Ego Figured Out Her Niche + Landed a 5-Figure Client

After years of trying to get people to notice her business, Julie followed the CEO Freedom Accelerator Promotion Plan and Got These Results

Shannon Lavenia isn't just a great "marketer", but a super savvy money maker who knows how to set people up for success! She's a smart and caring business leader who takes care of her tribe. I'm grateful to be part of it!

- Jennifer Lehner, Digital Marketing Strategist

Shannon cuts through all the BS out there regarding online marketing and gives you exactly what you need to know to get results with your business. I highly recommend her courses to anyone who wants to grow their online presence and successfully grow their business.

-Laura Sales, Founder of

Shannon Lavenia isn't just a great "marketer", but a super savvy money maker who knows how to set people up for success! She's a smart and caring business leader who takes care of her tribe. I'm grateful to be part of it!

- Jennifer Lehner, Digital Marketing Strategist

Shannon cuts through all the BS out there regarding online marketing and gives you exactly what you need to know to get results with your business. I highly recommend her courses to anyone who wants to grow their online presence and successfully grow their business.

-Laura Sales, Founder of

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